Friday, September 21, 2012

"The Calm, not the Storm"

"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found those dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore."
Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter (March 30, 1853-July 29, 1890)

Artists take risks. They pursue their vision, often without financial security, facing long odds while stewing in their own self-doubt. When the world tells them "it's not safe," they listen to their own voice despite "prevailing wisdom." They have a vision and they pursue it.

Occasionally, if they're very lucky, they get to look back on their life and see the path that lead them to create a masterpiece. At the time, the path wasn't easy, yet in retrospect, it looks very much like the only possible path they could take.

I think in twenty years or even ten years, we're going to hear the collective sound of people kicking themselves because they did not buy a home this year. As their teenage sons and daughters graduate and enter the future job market and begin searching for their first home, they'll turn to their parents and say, "Seriously? You're telling me when I was in middle school, you could get a 30-year fixed for under 4%?"

Too many remain terrified by the last great storm in the housing market. They stand now on the shores of incredible opportunity, but can't shake the vision of all those values sinking into oblivion.

Yes, there is uncertainty, but this is the calmest water you're ever going to see. Set sail now and buy a home. Those that do will certainly be rewarded. As for the masterpiece? It will be the satisfaction of looking back and realizing they bought at just the right time.

There is certainly no risk to exploring the opportunity. I'd love the occasion to sit down with you and plot a possible course to the best investment you could make.

Contact me today at: 850.910.5841 or email me at .

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